Thursday, March 31, 2011

So Called Albany Seven

I'm sure you have all heard,about the 7 that won the 319 million lottery-minus 1 person. He decided not to play,because he didn't feel lucky that day.This person has been playing with the group for four years. The Albany Seven are trying to decide if they should give this person a share. I think they should do the right thing,and give this person a piece of the pie.

Monday, March 28, 2011

When You need Something

When you go grocery shopping, do you have all your coupons? You spend all Sunday morning going through the paper,.so you can clip your coupons that you can use.You don't put your coupons in your pocketbook right away. O.K. what happens? You have to go to the grocery store, sooner than you  thought.So where is your coupons? Yes your right,still home. Their are many people that do this (including myself) and you feel so stupid..
How about when you  clean your purse out?. You dump all of it's con tense on the kitchen table,and you try and sort everything out. Take all of your change that you have been lugging around for ages.On the bottom of your purse,in case you need the coins,but you rarely do. Than what happens? You are in a store later that day,maybe the next.,sure enough you need some change.  You dig in your pocketbook for change,so you don't break another dollar.Then you remember you cleaned out your pocketbook the day before,this is enough to drive anybody  crazy.Here comes all the change,because you don't have 2 cents.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

2011 Relay For Life Of Western Delaware County

 June 10-11 2011 at Garnet Valley High School

1 of 18 teams are:
                           Team Captian::
                                                  Melissa Farman
                       Team Members::
                                                  Jennifer Fisher                           
                                                  Terry Gavigan
                                                  Amy Hertz
                                                  Debbie Morrison

 Please Donate you time or make a donation for this great cause!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Geraldine Ferraro

This morning Geraldine Ferraro at age 75,died at Massachuetts General Hospital. Where she was being treating   for blood cancer.
 She broke down the barriers for women and Americans of all backgrounds and walks of life (Quoted by President Obama.)

Ms. Ferraro was the first woman, ever nominated, by a major political power to be it's candidate for Vice-President of the United States in 1984..

Gerry Ferraro was one of a kind--tough,brilliant,and never afraid to speak her mind or stand-up for what she believed in.( Quoted by President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton)

It's such a shame that this happened ,when it is near the end of "Women"s History Month".

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ever since I was a little girl. I loved to read,and I still love to read.When my son was a baby,I use to read him stories all the time.I believe it stuck,because to-day he is a avid reader.
No matter where I go,if I have the extra money, I will buy something to read. This is one of my vices, and I love it! I must be old -fashion,but I like the feel of a real book. Lots of people buy e-books for their kindles or nooks,and they probably love reading this way.But give me a real book to read, and I'll be happier.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I had 7 siblings, my oldest sister,Ruthann died from ovarian cancer in 2007.So I have 2  sisters left,1 lives in Warminister,the other in Colorado Springs. I talk to Rosie on the phone about once a month,because she is so busy working for her sons in media. My sister Mary Ann ,who lives in Colorado Springs we seem to only talk around the holidays. I suppose she is to busy with her grandchildren. I have 4 brothers,I see them, maybe 2 or 3 times a year. We use to be a close family,when we were growing-up. But now that we are older with our own families,we just don't have time to get together. Maybe some day we can become close again.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Changing Moon

Their is a article on by Denise Chow about the "Changing Moon" I read the article and thought it was very interesting. Their are a lot of images in her album about "Changing Moon"  I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Begins

Tomorrow will be the first day of Spring ! I am sooo! happy,this means I can open the windows and get lots of fresh air. When I breathe in spring air,its gives me lots of energy. I will start my spring cleaning:: cleaning windows,take the curtains down,wash them and put fresh ones up. Plus a lot of things, I should of done this pass winter. Like trying to get my basement in order,what a job I have in front of me.I can't wait to start my garden,their is nothing better than fresh tomatoes,peppers of all kinds,egg plant etc.I have to go down to Lowes or Home Depot,to see if they have the tomato holders in yet. Last year we had so many tomatoes growing all over.We had about 5 tomatoes plants,but we got sooo! many tomatoes,they were every where. So if I get the holders,the plants will be better organized.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Can't Answer

I have been a server, working with the public for quite some time. And their are a few things that I just can't answer. Here they go:: Why when their is a full moon, some people  do and say crazy things?Which doesn't make any sense. Here is another thing,(this just drives me crazy) When a few people go into a eating place,and the place is busy. They can't wait to be seated,so they seat their selves, and always sit at a dirty table.How do they expect the busboy,to clean and get the table ready for them?
I have seen customers become increasingly rude in recent years. I can't quite understand where this disrespect comes from.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Flea Markets

When my husband Charlie and I first got married. We use to set up stands 7 days a week. We traveled to Delaware, up state Pennsylvania and New Jersey.We had stands to sell our wares,mostly antiques,sometimes  just odds and ends. Sometimes my sisters,Rosie and Maryann would go with us. We all had a good time. We also went to 4 or 5 auctions a week,to buy our merchandise(antiques). This way we would have different items to sell. And it would keep our customer happy with all the different  items.We made pretty good money each day,but their are pros and cons,for everything. It was a lot of work,packing and unpacking. Setting up the tables,not counting all the long drives to and from,we drove a lot of distances every day.Finally after doing this for about 4 years,we both decided on renting a store.,and staying stable. We still went to the auctions to buy,but once we unpacked the items from the auctions,it stayed until it was sold.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Did you ever hear of the web site Honestly? I just read about it in the magazine: Smart Money This is a web site that anonymous writers review co-workers and business associates. You  have to belong to Facebook,in order to make your comments.That web site is

Monday, March 14, 2011

Credit or Debit Card

We have a digital society,many people prefer credit or debit cards. Instead of cash,to pay for their expenses.You can use a credit card safely, if you can afford to pay your  credit card  expense off every month. We all see something on sale,or just have to have a item,and we can get in trouble if we chew off more than we can handle.We just don't realize how we can over spend fast.I was reading a article in the magazine.Their was a 2010 survey by Mercator Advisory Group They said (and I quote) 60% of households said they held a credit card,down from 74% in 2009. In 2010 42% said they were using them less.
Debits cards are like carrying your cash with you,somewhat. But you have to be very careful with the card ,because it is so easy for identity thieves to get your information.That would mean big trouble.Also with the debit card,you should know what your limit is.on spending, but nobody is perfect.So we can go over our limit easy. If we see something that is on sale,that we can use.
Myself I prefer cash,because if you go shopping,you know what your limit is. So I can't get myself in debt. I know from experience,it is so easy to do.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Their are so many differant diets out their. It really makes you crazy,which one is good for you? When I go back on my diet,all I have to do is,not eat bread,potatoes, anything that is white. All sweets are out of the picture( of course). I drink a lot of water and green tea lots of fruits. .You have to keep portions in mind.
My problem is that when I lose 10 pounds or more. I think it is o.k. to go off of the diet,and eat what I want. And before you know it the pounds comes back on. I'm going to stop this crazy way,and get down to business.
If I want to be healthy,I'm going to have to stop this for once and for all.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


This is a method of selling your invoices and cashing in on the money you are owed . This is for small or mid size business, that need to keep cash flow handy when needed.Their are over $140 billion business, that are still handled by Mom-and -Pop operators ,who haven't changed their practices.Their are a lot of factoring companies to-day,that can help with keeping your cash flow simple.By selling that debt to a third party.You can register with a Factoring company to sell your invoices. Then one of their buyers will bid on your invoice,and if you agree,the bidder will give you a cash advance.Usually 75% to 90% of their value in return for a cut of 1to2%a month.. When your client pays,you get the balance,minus that cut. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Gift Cards

I didn't know what to write about tonight,but for some reason gift cards come to mind.You can buy gifts cards for the differant occasions like ,birthday''s,graduations ect. This is a great idea,for purchasing something for someone that has everything already. Or you just don't know what to buy a person that is a fussy gus. The differant ideas for gift cards are endless. I always welcome a gift card,because if you don't need anything at the time you receive it. You can hold on to it,until you do. When their is a good sale going on and you are low on cash. If you have a gift card or cards hid away to use later,this is a good time to dig it out and use it. So keep in mind this makes a very good gift for everyone.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Their are a lot of things going on in March. Special days and Holiday's

. For example: The 9th is Ash Wednesday- 13th Daylight Savings Begins-Don't forget to set your clocks 1 hour ahead before you go to bed on Saturday.
17th is St. Patrick's Day,also my older brothers birthday.Last but not least-20th First Day of Spring. We have all been waiting for this day. Everyone has had their share of snow,beautiful falling,but not so beautiful shoving,and staying around for a while getting dirty.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I don't know about you,but I enjoy going out to work. I like working with the public,their are days,when you go to work and you  meet new people.Most people are nice,a very few try to ruin your day But its up to you to let it pass you by.Their are co-workers that you work well with,and their are co-workers that  are a nightmare. .I try my best to let a lot go over my head,sometimes it is hard. Your suppose to work like a team,then everything should run smooth. I do know,I learn something new everyday.Everyday is a new adventure.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who's Organized?

If you are anything like me.I have a lot of organizing to do, all of my closets need redoing(everything goes inside). I have to get myself motivated,or I'll just put it on my "To Do List". I believe everyone has one of those lists.I went out and purchase one of those clothes organizers,its a start. The organizer is very nice,you can free-up the bottom of the closet. So you don't have your slacks taking up a lot of bottom space. The next thing I might do,is go out and purchase a few baskets. So that I can organize the top shelves. This might make it look neater.After that,I need to organize the bottom of the closet. I haven't decided,if I want shelving,just add a few more baskets,or do something completly differant.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Things That Needs To Be Done

Today is just another day. Your trying to get things done,that needs doing. Washing, cooking,cleaning,errands, plus everything in between.I do not know,how we can manage do all these things in one day. But we do it day after day.Also if you work full time or part time, it surely is another story. You come home from work,tired and not wanting to do anything else. If you have little children you know that's not possible. They don't understand. They want to eat,then they need help with their homework ect.It seems like their just isn't enough time in a day,to do everything that you would like to do.I'll say,tomorrow is another day, it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jeannie's Home-Made Candies and Things

Hello Everyone! I'm new at blogging.,so please bare with me. I love to write,but I really haven't had the time. It is raining outside now. So I thought it would be a great time to start this blog. I have a lot of things on my mind. I will be retiring in a few years(I Hope) and I need to think about what I want to do after my retirement.My passion is making chocolate candies. Maybe I can open a little" homemade candy "store.That would be nice.
The only thing that worries me is the economy. It isn't very good right now, maybe things will pick up soon. I believe people only buy things like this, is when they have extra money to spend.